Barry Shea and Associates - Company Profile

Learn more about what we do.

Who we are 

Barry Shea and Associates, was founded in 1990 starting as a one person office specializing in land, residential, and small commercial property appraisal work in Central New Hampshire. Barry J. Shea, ASA, IFA, ARM has been appraising since 1987. He is an instructor and a nationally recognized expert on the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). Barry's current CV can be found here.

Our services

In addition to appraisal and appraisal review in our local market, we can undertake multi-property assignments networking with appraisers located in various areas and who have various property specialties.

We perform USPAP compliance appraisal reviews and expert testimony nationally and we provide training and education related to appraisal. appraisal review, and professional standards. Please call or email us  for more information about our services.

Our service areas

Barry Shea and Associates offers professional real property appraisal and appraisal review services throughout Central New Hampshire. Our primary appraisal service area includes all of Merrimack, Strafford, and Belknap Counties, most of Carroll, and Grafton and Counties, and parts of Rockingham and Hillsborough Counties.

Find an appraiser

To find a professional appraiser who specializes in other property types (e.g., personal property or business valuation) or for properties outside of our coverage area, please go to the ASA Online Appraiser Directory.


P.O. Box 7302
Laconia, NH 03247, US

About us

Professional real property appraisal and appraisal review in Central New Hampshire since 1990

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